WM technics has for over 30 years now been developing and manufacturing efficient ice resurfacing machines for use on every kind of ice surface. It is the combination of know-how, the courage to develop further, the pursuit of the highest quality and responsiveness to customers that has brought WM to its success. WM technics is today a world market leader in the field of high-quality ice resurfacing machines.

Company data :
Resurfice Llc
Reg nr: 16315674
VAT nr: EE102582060
Addres: Harju County, Tallinn City, Lasnamäe District, Sõstramäe Street 10, 11415
Mobile: +372 50 74 303
Email: info@resurfice.eu
We will be happy to guide you with choosing the right machine for your ice rink and carry on qualified maintenance for your WM ice resurfacer!
More information about products on WM technics webpage: